City Clerk

The City of Morning Sun City Clerk serves as a link between City Council and citizens, and is appointed by City Council. Below are a few of their responsibilities that better serve the citizens of Morning Sun. 

  • Serve as a notary of the public.
  • Overseeing the opperations of City Hall.
  • Implement policies and ideas adopted by Council.
  • Assisting City Council with ensuring that all projects, operations, and functions within the local government & community operate efficiently.
  • Ensuring all Local, State, and Federal laws are followed.
  • Responding to citizen concerns and questions.
  • Perform budgeting duties, such as assisting in budget preparation, expenditure review, or budget administration.
  • Prepare ordinances, resolutions, or proclamations so that they can be executed, recorded, archived, or distributed.

Contact Info

Carrie Wymore
Deputy Clerk

Lindsey Siegle
City Clerk